Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Tawney Boy

Tawney Boy. AKA Big Blue

Tawney Boy

By matt
Monday, March 24, 2003

I miss him alot. You should have seen how this cat could attack me! I mean out of fun and play of course. He really was quite a buddy till things went wrong.

Good Morning. Well I just got up late. 7am for me since I am usally up at 5 am. I was thinking about my poor kitty that had to be put to sleep due to kidney failure

, This boy came from Angels for Animals, He was a great cat. Never played but liked to attack my ankles and legs while chasing me thru the house. I am a little scared to get another since the Vet is not too sure why he went into kidney failure. My daughter Rue Anastasia saw him at the Angels for Animals adoption center at the Boardman, Oh PetSmart store. The reason my wife and Rue adopted him is because he was the same as a 19 year old cat named Tawn that I had from 1975 on. You figure the math. Any way I miss him.

Matthew E. is the author, Firmly believing that the perfection of the heaven's and god's graces live only within him. And he is not the least bit conceited even with this blessing.

Calling all brick layers

Calling all brick layers

By matt
Wednesday, March 26, 2003

Great house takes a lot of care to get this place where it wants to be. I think that I am going to open it to the public for tours so that it can off set some of the cost. Just Joking

Just woke up! I get up around 5 am every day, 4 of those to go to work. I am sitting in the wing back chair looking into the living room see the new stenciling that my wife Marsha Lee has done as a border on the top of the walls. Very nice. I'll post a picture of it soon. In the meantime I am going to show you a pic of the fireplace that we just enjoy year round. The house was built in 1922 so the chimney had a few problems to cope with. So we converted to gas logs. Not as thrilling but ever so more convienent. Who knows how to deal with a chimney and the repair. I have no idea where to start. It is the top of a masonary monster that needs repointed. I find it hard to fly 2 stories with a bucket of mortar in my hand.

Pic from 2002 Thanksgiving I think.

Matt is the author and he can be an arrogant loving caring bozo.

What a day at work! Laughs and Food. Almost my two favorite things.

By matt
Thursday, March 27, 2003

Glad to be home! I do like the comfort of home

Here I am at home after a nice day at work, NICE and WORK together in the same sentence Oh My God. We had a food party in our cubicle division due to the birthdays of some of my favorite ladies that I work with. Laura and Tracy just got one year added to the bouquet of life. That is poetic for your boobs are starting to sag like bannanas. They really are goodly friends, they help me with stuff that I just can't seem to get through my concrete skull.

I got up at 4:15 am cause I want to start an excercise program and just can't seem to fit it into my life at any other time. I usta work out 4 times a week, enjoyed every minute of it, looked good and felt even better.

Marsha my wife called off work sick today with a cough of some sort. Poor thing. I wanted to help her feel better but you know how sick women don't really think any of our (men's) suggestions will really make them feel better.[Image] I thought I had some really good ones though.

I made myself a pot of decaf coffee since I ate so much at work today that I have given up the feed bag for the rest of the day. Can't do caffiene after 4 PM or I will be up till I sleep way to late. Lack of sleep makes me goofy. Yea yea goofier. I've heard that before.

Matt thinks he is a comic, fall down type.

Working out a smack on the arse

Working out a smack on the arse

By matt
Friday, March 28, 2003

Theis is a whole new thing getting up this early to work out. I can't tell you how tired I am of being fat w/ a closet full of clothes that I can't even get on my leg.

Damn I am proud of my self. I got up and actually did a small work out for poor weak decrepit me. Just some lat pull downs and rowing. Just a little upper body! Here is me doing my lower body work out.

[Image]I am finding the need to get a cup of coffee and move the brain as well as the bones. Simple minds need simple things. I don't even put cream and sugar in my coffee in the morning because it is requires too much mentation to even get the crap in the cup. Usually when I try there is sugar and creamer on the counter after my first try. Then a smack on the arse from the wife for being a slob.

Matt's mental image of himself is certainly alot better than reality. You know how us guys are. I see a 6 pack where you see a pot belly.

Tell your family that you love them.

Tell your family that you love them.

By matt
Saturday, March 29, 2003

As always I enjoy writing whatever I want to. Ta Da

Lord God almighty on high. I just can't sleep well since I am trying to reschedule my waking hours. I got up at 3:15 am after going to bed @ 9 pm. I think I will do some lower body workout this morning anyway since I hauled my dupa out of bed anyway. Took my morning doses of old man pills. Just a small handfull of whatever. Do you know how tiring it gets to take pills everday of your life, the doctor says you will drop dead if you don't. Can I have 11 minutes of peace and joy in my life somewhere once in my days. I stuffed the dishwasher with all the dishwasher type things and am running it. Woosh Woosh Woosh is all I can hear while some Iraqi General is pouring heartfelt rhetoric crap out on the airwaves about the martyrs of the Iraqi people. Dear God why do these people exist. I wonder if they truly belive what they say. No goverment that is not elected by the people should be allowed to exist on this blue oasis in the heavens. We have created too much liberal tolerance towards the WRONGS that go on in our world, let's talk to them and see if we can work it out. Let's just ignore them and maybe they will see the light and stop doing wrong. Let's not get involved, those are not our people. Let's just get the UN together and see if this bunch of self posessed, arrogant men and women can make nicey nice with all these countries.

Bla Bla Bla. Any way I just woke up and I feel a little bitchy about all the world events. Hey tell your family that you love them.

Matt thinks that if he had a big enough gun he could make a difference in world peace. Remember Pax Roma.

Chicken and Noodle, Midwestern Style

Chicken and Noodle, Midwestern Style

By matt
Sunday, March 30, 2003

My god I enjoy cooking. My father and mother are both great cooks, you know how one picks up what the family likes to do. Other familes like to go to baseball games, we liked cooking a dinner! Lots of family dinners when I was a kid.

As for the kitchen in our house, It is my pride and joy. We have invested a great amount of time over the years to get it just right for my cooking. I pressure can food. I make a meal every day. I just enjoy cooking! We also have a 12' by 6' pantry in the cellar that we keep well stocked.

Woke up at 5 am, yesterday I woke up at 3 am! yuck. I spent all that time cleaning and pissing around the house till about noon then I started to get ready for a dinner that I was to make for 9 People for 5PM. Chicken and home made Noodles over Mashed potatoes. Marsha made the Green beans and bacon. Also come cole slaw. Made a mess in the Kitchen from the noodles, flour all over the place. Marsha helped red up the place after the battle. We hauled the mess O food over to her daughter Kelly's House. Kelly is a sweetie. She requested in " The Way of the Weasel. ", this dish cause it reminds her of Grandma Alberta. Marsha has guided me over the last 2 years how to get this dish just right, as how HER mother made it. I must admit that it is a really tasty dish. Personally I have never had a dish that was so very simple to make and tasted so good. When I was raised we had food that required more than 2 main ingredients. So I was amazed at how very good this stuff is. Personally I think Marsha has something up her sleeve for September's Martin Family Reunion at Oblong park in Illinois.

This is naturally a picture of our kitchen as It stands up to this date. There is really a lot of interesting articles in here that would take me a whole nuther day to just tell you about the minutiae of the acquisitions.

At any rate we arrived with the hot pots of food and brought them in with much fanfare. Got there at 4 30 and laid out the buffet for all of us. Marsha's son Mike lives next door to Kelly so he came over by invitation with his wife Stephanie and the little baby brats Mike Jr. and Sydney they daughter AKA "the Crow" so called because she like shiny sparkly things. Also Kelly has two friends Laura, whom she has know for about 15 years or more and Tom, Laura's love interest. Nobody was getting ready to eat to fast so I just made myself a plate and sat down at the dinner table all alone, BTW I don't think anyone said grace or a prayer for God's grace regarding interntional matters at this time. A bit on everyone appeared in the kitchen to get their plate fulls of grub and chow down. I know it was good cause no one said anything, they just ate and ate. Kelly said that she can close her eyes and see grandma with that plate of food. We all had seconds, then I retired to the living room to listen to A Prarie Home Companion. Soon Tom came in to listen and then Laura came in to listen too. I believe that they enjoyed the 2 hour radio show. As for Marsha, Kelly, Mike, Stephanie and the Spawn of children they all stayed in the dining room and den catching up on life's interesting moments that get handed out to each and every one of us. Ode to Joy how very much I enjoy family dinners, Great food and even better company.

Speaking of company Mr Tom is the new man on the block. Not much of talker, yet I hope. Kelly tells me that he was amazed that we have family dinners! I guess that he wondered why we were coming over to disturb the love nest! Yuck once again. I find no offense in him, other than time will open him up to the art of conversation. Or maybe he is just a quite man. Since he moved in there is now a large fish tank in the house that was enjoyable to watch. We spoke of various fish that we have both raised. Come to think of it maybe we need a common ground to talk about something. Ah it's all good. Laura has great intrest in Tom so he must have plenty to offer!

Well time to sign off of this and get it published. I need to take a shower and get busy on restoring a 1902 church pew couch that came from a realative when I was a kid! I will show some pictures of it at some other time.

Thanks for listening to me.

Matt wanted to be a chef all his life. Maybe some day!

Damn some days feel better than others.

Damn some days feel better than others.
By matt
Thursday, April 03, 2003
I really do the look in the mirror crap and say you are getting better an better every day. Yeah and pigs fly out of my ass.

Damn some days feel better than others. Work was very challenging as to trying to maintain production and put out a quality job at the same time. Federal and State laws affect the production of what I do on a daily basis by "protecting the provider and subscriber", In the mean time we move at a snails pace under the weight of new paper that needs produced with every transaction. Oh well this is my site after all and I get to moan and bitch all I want. Well any way the days go fast due to need to keep on your toes while you do your work.

As always I thank you for bearing with me and reading my tripe. I have had a busy week all in all. I kinda bit off a little more than I could chew on Monday, I came home very ill and went right to bed @ 11:30 am and slept non stop till 5:00 am. Hmm that would be 17 1/2 hours of sleep. And I needed every minute of it. Can I sleep when I am sick or what. I think I need to go to the Dr. and get a shot for spring allergies! YUCK, Snot, fever, tissues and sleep is all I have this time of the year.

We, Marsha and I did the lawn and some yard work after coming home from work. I ran the mile after mile run with my battery operated mower and Marsha did the raking to get the mulch back in the beds where it belongs. Than was a fat 2 hours of ball busting work!. Marsha cleaned the front bed where all our peonies and such are at for about an hour, those damn leaves get every where.

After trying to cool down with the garden house by drinking that Ice Cold Tasty Garden House water, MMM MMMmmm. I was up to getting dinner ready. Made Oven fried potato wedges and sun dried tomato Italian sausage with onions, garlic, olive oil and seasonings. A hit if you ask me.

Well I am up kinda late to I gotta hit the freaking hay and saw some logs.


Matt Is a dreary work a day slob who hopes for that one moment of joy that pulls him out of mankinds wallow and gets me the winning of the lottery. That would just about do it.

The Lady is gonna RETIRE!

The Lady is gonna RETIRE!

By matt
Sunday, April 13, 2003

I thank God that we were able to work this out for us. Let me be the first to give myself a pat on the back.

Ok then. The lady and I are going to make it possible for her to RETIRE! I am very glad for her! She kept doing the math and found out that for a few dollars more she could retire completely. Well I gave it long and hard thought about this, for I want you to know that in the 12 years we have been together our finances have been separate, about combining our monies and allowing her to have control over them.

This allows her to retire. What a joy it will be on the day that she is home and not getting up at 3 PM from working the night shift any more. I for one will be very happy to "pay her to stay home." Thank god. Thought: Jealous. Oh well, I have to work for the next 20 years anyway so I thought this would be the best for us.

Hate to say it but this was for me too. I get Marsha to stay at home. She gets to take care of my checkbook! WeeOooo!

Matt believes that he is a generous, altruistic individual. Now gimme my toys back and get out of my face before I belt you in the chops.

Destruction for Construction. Don't look at this one.

Destruction for Construction. Don't look at this one.

By matt
Sunday, April 20, 2003

Thank God for kids when they get big enough to really help you out. I would have had to pay some bucks to get this fixed if it weren't for Rocco Edward Giardullo Bugno, BTW he just turned 17 last week. Soon to be off the payroll. YEA. EMPTY NEST!

Busy weekend so far. Mowed the lawn and tried to drop dead panting and huffing from being so horribly our of shape. At one point I was hugging a tree to hold my self upright with sweat dripping off me by the buckets. But damn that lawn looks nice. I don't think I mentioned about the first thaw in spring causing the underground feed of electricity being sheared to the garage. Well let me tell you that I have been dreading that fix. Seems It was a lot easier than I thought. Anyway the feed is under the driveway in no FREAKING conduit, the jerks! So I remembered that I had a diamond saw blade and It went so easy I can't tell you. I think I am going to take some pictures. Rocco, my son, did all the cutting and dirt work cause I can't do that kind of stuff after I fell and got boo boo's last year.

He cut the trench and then we went to Home Depot to purchase the needs. Some PVC conduit and 10-2 UF wire. And of course all the crap one needs to complete the job. You know maybe I should run some phone wire too? HMM. It really went in like a charm.

Rocco had to go to a birthday party so we closed up shop early and did not complete the work today. I.E. Saturday. I myself could not stand one more minute of this without electric in the garage so I just hooked the ends up! Now my sweet wife just pushed the button and the garage opens! How much you miss electricity when you ain't got it. For the last month and half we had to open and close the garage manually. Yech.

Matt considers himself a Renaissance man, I can do just about any job that I need. Now gimme a beer and I need a nap.

I am getting sued! Also thank God it's spring time.!

I am getting sued! Also thank God it's spring time.!

By matt
Saturday, May 31, 2003

It all seems fabricated to make a buck!

Been awhile since adding anything. Since the weather broke here in Youngstown I have been outside playing in the dirt every day that I can. We have a city lot that is a bit large for this area. We moved in almost 10 years ago and I started to do my planting thing. We have so many beds that I have cut the lawn down to about a third of what it was before. Easy mowing is my Idea. All the hills and slippery spots have been changed to beds. No more falling over with a lawn mower on top of you. The peonies are in the best year ever. They are putting on quite a show. The beds look really nice this year. I am losing a couple of Hollywood junipers to a snow mold! They really look like they are going to die. I did a new front bed on the money side of the house and it really looks nice this year.

A couple of weeks ago my son, Rocco, help me rewire the garage due to a short in the underground cable. He cut the asphalt with a diamond saw blade very quick like. Making the trench was just part of the battle. Getting the new conduit in and running the heavy gauge wire into it was another trick! Just happy to a functioning garage door lifter again.

Did I mention that I am getting sued for 10,000 dollars due to an accident that happened in September of "02! The other party would like some money for punitive damages I guess. I will fill this in later with all the pertinent information. Thank god for the auto insurance.

Matt is a really good driver, Only one accident to his name and he is getting sued due to some petty person.

My God how lazy I am.

My God how lazy I am.
By Matt
Saturday, February 21, 2004
Any Ideas

It has been forever since I updated. Things have been pretty quite around here for the last 8 months. Just trying to keep up w/ the home and yards all last spring summer and fall was a pain in the rear. It rained in my area almost every day, with one day of no rain so that I can joyously scamper about the yards with a FRIKKEN lawnmower, every FRIKKEN week.

Sounds like I loved it! Doing all the work that keeps a house neat and manicured looking any vista in the yard is ALOT of work. But I really do like the propery to be nice clean and orderly. Marsha and I have really busted out butts to get the place nice. Someday I will put pictures of the house and yard.

Just a minute ago I poured a cup o joe and just sat at the rear window looking over the back and thinking how nice it is to see the snow off the yard for just one day. The snow has been on the ground since it first started in 2003! Not one melt day till yesterday.

Did I say use Bit-Torrent? The best! Great things are out there. Go to and see what is out there. If you think the stuff it is as great as I do then get the software from you can figure it out from there.

Hey! I did the chicken and noodles dinner at Miss Kelly's house again just the past week. Everyone seemed to enjoy.

Early morning in my chair with coffee and smokes is one of my favorite times of the day. Nice and introspective. May I reccomend a Bunn Commercial coffee maker for those of you who really like coffee? The thing makes the best coffee ever! Hot Hot Hot and SMOOTH! So much better than one of those peices of junk that are always dying or the pot breaking! Bought the thing on almost two years ago. Makes a pot of coffee (12 cups) in about 2 minutes! MMmmMMmm.

Thanks Giving was wonderfull, the inlaws came for the few days as every year. I really enjoy out time together. Making the dinner always seems to be like a military manuver with all the logistics and ordinance required just to get the bird (chicken not UCKY turkey) on the table. Thank goodness that I really enjoy cooking.

Christ Mass was GREAT this year. We hosted it on the Saturday after Christ Mass, made life easy on every one due to they could meet all there obligations on the actual day and then haul there butts over here for snacks and hot finger foods. The kids were great.

My favorite Christ Mass picture. Just looks good to me.


Matt Is an accomplished finger smasher with a framing hammer.

Just a catch up Saturday

Just a catch up Saturday
By Matthew E. Bugno
Saturday, April 03, 2004

Nothing much happening since last update. Other than my freaking back went "out" a couple of weeks ago. Talk about pain and drugs! I sat in a foggy stupor for about a week in a chair courtesy of the pharmaceutical labs. The usual Matthew, but only slightly medicated. Probably a good thing when you are in pain.

Marsha Lee has been cooking a good bit lately. The nice homey meals that make you want to take a carb-nap after eating. Very nice if I say so.

Nice and sunny today, a break in the weather. So my chore this Saturday will be to help put down good ol' Scott's Weed and Feed. I hate feeding the lawn cause then it grows more than I would care for. Nothing like having to mow that dreaded green hair of the ground once or twice EVERY week in the spring. All in all spring is a joy to my long snow-blinded eyes. Damn gray days and white ground. As pretty for the passing of a few days or a month, then just depression if you are not a winter personality. Bravo for the thaw. Bravo for the sights of all that I see come alive in our gardens we have planted with great labour. Butter and Sun yellow daffodils, jonquils. Croucus that always remind me of the Catholic Lenten season because of the shade of purple and white heads so showy just before Easter.

Actually the lawn is looking as if it was never touched by time or winter. Still has that just mowed appearance from last year. Specially since a nice young man raked it for a 2 bits just a couple a days ago. You should have seen the front yard on the April the 1st 2004, an April fool's joke from the lottery of weather. A wet and sticky Blizzard of snow. The yard was covered with snow two inched deep except for under the massive, aged white pine tree on corner of our front lot. How unusual it was to see a sea of white snow with an opposite island of emerald green fresh spring grass. Quite a beautiful sight. I did not have the foresight to take a picture of it! At times I can be such a bone-head.

Times passing and I need to get my butt out of this chair and do personal hygiene, get dressed and get out of the house so as to purchase the aforementioned Scott's. Hope

I leave you now till next time and as always pray for your days to be many and full.

Thought: Real friends stab you in the front. TTFN kiddies.

Matt would like to think he has great care for the earth, not a tree-hugger though.

It's Summer already! Turned my head and Winter and Spring dissapeared from North East Ohio.

By Matthew E. Bugno
Saturday, June 26, 2004

Just a little bit of this and that today. Hope all are having or will be having a great weekend.

Well hot damn it is summer. Do you think maybe I could keep up with this simple little web site of mine? Bookie. I look at it and it seems to be a chore! I know it is not.

Been awhile since the whines and chuckles have been written down. The yard is shaping up real nice this year, the biblical deluge of the summer of '03 are not to be so far this year. Marsha Lee and I are going for the ease of maintenance needs, plants that require too much work are being ripped out and nothing being put in it's place. Last year we ripped out an entire bed of English ivy from the east side of the house and off the wall due to it holds leaves and irritating flying rats known as English sparrows, the damn things nested in it making a irksome racket and poop mess all over the side of the house. Don't ever use English ivy unless you need a ground cover in some wooded lot. Use Baltic ivy instead - much nicer habit and not so invasive. Marsha and I decided that the 500 year old ivy green cottages in Whatever shire, England are being held together by the ivy, not the bricks or boards!

Oh ya, Marsha and I took the grandchildren, Michael and Sydney, to the Mill Creek Park extension farm to see the baby animals. They have one every year, it's the spring "Baby Shower". Sydney took some great pictures of the babies. You should have seen the baby goat! He was so Cute. Got every one on a tractor for a great picture that I still waiting for my next door neighbor to print.

Grand day at Mill Creek Park's Extension Farm with the grandkids.

The wedding happened a couple of weeks ago. Nice casual, relaxed ceremony. Very simple and quick, just how I like it. Tom do you take Laura as your bla bla bla, Laura do you take Tom as your bla bla bla. I now pronounce you man and wife. Turn around and let me introduce Mr. and Mrs Thomas Murphy. Laura is Miss Kelly's friend for years and the live together with Laura helping Kelly get around and do her daily routines, kinda hard to wipe your butt when you're stuck in a wheel chair with no fine motor skills. David Bowie as Ziggy Stardust said it all in the chant "Ch ch ch changes". Cause this is a tough time for the three to interact as a family together. I hope it all works out to the benefit and pleasure of all concerned. That includes all of the extended family!

Marsha finished detailing the living room over the winter and spring this year. My it looks great. Reminds me of the Arms Museum tours that I took as a child. That is one of my favorite houses in the world. If in the area go see it. I hear that they are also going to make it handicapped accessible in the near future. As for the walls the only thing that I think they need is a coat of low gloss varnish to make them look very Arts & Crafts era. If I bother to take a picture I will insert it some time soon. We also stripped the floors in the main section of the house of all the nasty wall to wall carpet. Found a great way to make a beautiful renewable finish on the floors, they were in acceptable shape, by using tung oil and turpintine! Lay on about ten thin coats and voila! I see you all need some pictures of this soon, just to see how nice the rooms came. Marsha is so darn crafty and "artsy fartsy" in the best way as to be an asset to our home. Hope our house becomes a museum someday.

I pulled out the batterey operated lawn mower this spring and found that it won't hold a charge. Damn Damn Damn. I like my yard to look good and that lawn mower made it look as if a lush green carpet were put down. I went through some hoops to get Sears to honour the warranty. Seems for some reason the have no knowledge of me even though I purchased it on a Sears card. I have this lawn mower for my asthma and now I can't even mow my lawn anymore. My son, Rocco, has been a blessing this year with all his help in the yard. He's done the yard every week, helped with all the big stuff and put some pea river stone mulch down for us in the way back of the yard. Need to put a picture of all that in hear too.

Well on to a close. I just got up a bit ago and need to activate the launch sequence for personal hygiene.

Hope to see you soon again.

Matt seems to believe that the world some how revolves around his psyche, spinning in a grand scale as measured by the universe. Now if I could just find the keys to the van I could check my theory out.